Do you need details about the 500-052 exam topics and questions? You are at the correct place to explore some valuable study materials and make your Cisco Channel Partner Unified Contact Center certification journey easy.
 is here to provide web-based and desktop-based 500-052 practice tests to help you earn the Cisco 500-052 certification with better preparation. With our desktop and web-based practice exams, you will get an actual exam environment. At, our experts and Deploying Cisco Unified Contact Center Express professionals designed the practice questions after doing a lot of research and getting feedback from successful candidates. We have tried to put 500-052 syllabus-based exam questions that cover all exam topics and put you in a hassle-free place. The expert-designed desktop and web-based questions are highly possible to come in the exam. These questions point out your strengths and weaknesses and help you get ready for the exam.
If you want a free demo of our 500-052, you can try it directly at Becoming familiar with the exam structure and exploring the materials is crucial, and practice tests help in that. You must enroll for the 500-052 premium practice tests, for solving more questions, and making your exam result better.
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Taking regular feedback is our old habit, which you can find as valuable testimonials at and get an idea about our success rate with the Deploying Cisco Unified Contact Center Express. The regular feedback of successful candidates helps us to work on our flaws and make the practice test materials better with each passing year.
Enjoy the syllabus-based Cisco 500-052 study material at, because if there is the slightest change in the 500-052 official page, we update it immediately to provide our users with the best experience. We take care of the learning needs of every aspirant at If you are looking for 500-052 PDF questions, you can access our valuable sample questions in PDF format. These are the most common reasons that make stand out from other exam questions providers or dump sites.
Updated 500-052 Questions According to Current Syllabus:
We keep on checking the 500-052 Deploying Cisco Unified Contact Center Express contents on a regular basis. If there is the slightest change in the exam topics, we update our questions and contents accordingly for hassle-free preparation. We rely highly on our already successful candidates’ comments, emails, and feedback. Continuous feedback from successful candidates also helps us to keep the 500-052 practice questions bank updated.
The successful update of the materials helps the candidates to cope with the study plan easily. These are some simple strategies that we follow at, which help us to guarantee satisfaction and success to the users. The continuous upgradation from our side, for over more than ten years, has made a trusted and successful exam material source.
Cisco 500-052 Exam Summary:-
- Name of the Exam: Deploying Cisco Unified Contact Center Express
- Exam Code: 500-052 UCCXD
- Exam Price: $300 USD
- Duration: 60 minutes
- Number of Questions: 45-55
- Passing Score: Variable (750-850 / 1000 Approx.)
Cisco 500-052 Exam Topics:-
1. Design a Cisco Unified Contact Center Express System Deployment- 32%
2. Implement a Cisco Unified Contact Center Express System- 40%
3. Operate a Cisco Unified Contact Center Express System- 28%
Improve Your Knowledge-Base:
Get access to some of sample 500-052 practice test questions to boost your knowledge base. Preparation is a continuous process for some time, and you must always try to keep improving via learning. Access the questions from anywhere and from any device. The easy availability of the questions would help you to get better with the 500-052 exam topics. You can solve these questions easily or learn new things from them.
Here Are Some Useful Questions:
01. How is the default eMail address in the eMail Subsystem Configuration page used?
a) It receives all mail sent in the Send eMail step as a bcc.
b) It is the From address for emails sent by agents using Agent E-mail.
c) It is used if no email contact is specified in the Create eMail step.
d) It becomes the From address in the Send eMail step if no address is specified.
Answer: d
02. Cisco Finesse supports the use of custom call variable layouts. How does the agent desktop determine which layout to use?
a) The name of the layout is passed to the agent desktop via a keyword variable that is named user layout.
b) The layout is associated to the team under Team Resources.
c) The layout is associated to the CSQ definition.
d) The layout is associated to the desktop layout under Team Resources.
Answer: a
03. What information from the first node is used as the secret key during second node installation?
a) administrator password
b) application user password
c) security password
d) IP address
Answer: c
04. Why are CSQs associated to the team definition?
a) It allows agents to be a part of the CSQ.
b) It allows the associated supervisors to make modifications to the CSQ.
c) It designates which CSQ information to display on the supervisor desktop.
d) It is informational and is used for historical reporting only.
Answer: a
05. Historical reports can be generated using which two Cisco Unified CCX tools?
(Choose two.)
a) Historical Reports Data Store
b) Historical Reporting Client
c) Cisco Unified Intelligence Center
d) Cisco Supervisor Desktop
Answer: b, c
Self-Assessment with 500-052 Practice Test:
You can earn maximum benefit from the Cisco 500-052 practice tests. Assess your preparation level with the Web-based and Desktop-based practice tests, and experience taking the actual exam. The customizable mock tests help in tracking your progress. Finding flaws in preparation is quite challenging. Practice tests ease the challenge as it offers valuable feedback regarding your strength and weaknesses. If you follow the insights, you can perform better in the 500-052 Deploying Cisco Unified Contact Center Express Exam. These exam simulation tests help you overcome anxiety about the actual exam by offering a real exam-like scenario.
Can You Rely on’s Exam Preparation Material?
It is a proven fact that success in the 500-052 exam is not easy. With the help of a trusted study resource, it is done easily. Think about the career opportunities that will open for you after earning the Cisco Channel Partner Unified Contact Center certification. You can get some of the most real questions that will strengthen your exam preparation. At, we offer you questions with an actual exam environment that gradually boosts your preparation level and earns you the 500-052 certification on your first attempt.